Anti Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement (2022-2023) A) ORGANISATION This statement applies to Sloane Risk Group Limited (referred to in this statement as ‘the Organisation’). The information included in the statement refers to the financial year 2022-2023.  B) ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Sloane Risk Group is a SME with a hierarchical structure, projects consist of full-time contracts and bespoke consultancy […]

Business Continuity

Business Continuity Business continuity is an organisation’s ability to maintain essential functions and services during and in the aftermath of a disaster. It relies on solid risk management processes and procedures that aim to prevent interruptions to business-critical services and re-establish full function to the business as quickly and effectively as possible limiting the impact […]

Insider Risk

Insider Risk Protection from insider risk should be a fundamental element of an organisation’s security strategy. Employees, contractors, suppliers and business partners walk straight past physical security measures and have access to systems and assets within an organisation. An insider is a person who exploits or has the intention to exploit, this legitimate access for […]


Design Safe Room Design Our safe room design team consists of both experienced close protection operators and builders, who work together to ensure that we design and build safe rooms that are fit for purpose.   System Design We design and fit bespoke security systems incorporating CCTV, movement sensors, window sensors and alarms often purposefully designed […]

Airtags – love them or hate them

Untitled scaled Airtags - love them or hate them

AirTags, Love Them or Hate Them? There have been countless articles written about air tags over the last year, ranging from how they have helped to find lost pets and baggage to the more sinister aspect of them being used as an aide to stalking. This blog is intended to address the pros v cons […]

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions 1. Our Services 1.1 Our services are provided by Sloane Risk Group Ltd (“SRG” or the “Company”). The Standard Terms of Business (the “Terms”) as supplemented and/or varied by any relevant confirmation email, Proposal Letter or Service Level Agreement explain the basis upon which SRG provides its services. These Terms will apply […]

Privacy Policy

Data Processing and Privacy Statement 1. Introduction 1.1 Sloane Risk Group want to give you the best experience possible. This Data Processing Statement aims to give you a clear view of how we use the personal information that you provide, our dedication to protecting it, your rights and the options you have to control your […]

Why do Businesses and Individuals use Covert Surveillance?

Corporate surveillence Why do Businesses and Individuals use Covert Surveillance?

What is Surveillance?   Surveillance is the process of obtaining information also known as intelligence by watching the movements of a subject of interest (SOI) Covert Surveillance is unobtrusively doing this discreetly without the SOI becoming aware of your presence or what you are doing. Why do businesses require Surveillance Services? There are multiple reasons […]

Why CP officers are moving towards a career in Surveillance

IMG 6331 e1613531947512 845x321 1 Why CP officers are moving towards a career in Surveillance

Many Close Protection officers are moving towards a career in Surveillance, this blog looks at why this is and provides some tips for getting started. We receive muliple CV’s each week, and part of my reason for writing this blog is to apologise to the number of people that we do not manage to reply […]

CP focusing on “soft skills” Pink Floyd rescue of children

rescue of children

A member of our team was recently involved in recovering two children who were kidnapped by their father and taken to the ISIS front line in Syria. The amazing mission to reunite them with their mother was organised by Clive Stafford Smith, legal director of Reprieve and funded by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. Read […]