This training package utilises our experience to demonstrate that employees are often the weakest link of a business’s security structure. We provide case studies of how we attempt to exploit staff members via social engineering when we conduct physical penetration tests, the type of threats that a business can face, what staff can do to protect both themselves and the business and the consequences of poor security awareness.
This is often a follow-up workshop after a physical penetration test, enabling us to show staff what they are doing wrong and positively reinforce the measures that staff should take to improve their security awareness.
✓ Encouraging business security and mitigating a wide range of threats.
✓ Positive encouragement to improve staff security awareness
✓ A safer and more secure working environment
✓ Reduced chance of infosec breaches
The objective of this one-day workshop or short e-learning course is to provide female travellers with the skills to remain safe when travelling alone. It focuses on personal security, security awareness, recognition of hostile observations, the type of threats female travellers face and how to mitigate them. It can be tailored to a specific country or area if required.
✓ Encourages a security driven mindset.
✓ Allows women to experience a positive travelling experience whilst reducing risk from a range of threats.
✓ Helps to implement a safe and secure lifestyle.
This is often a follow-up workshop after a physical penetration test, enabling us to show staff what they are doing wrong and positively reinforce the measures that staff should take to improve their security awareness.
✓ Encouraging business security and mitigating a wide range of threats.
✓ Positive encouragement to improve staff security awareness
✓ A safer and more secure working environment
✓ Reduced chance of infosec breaches
We are pleased to share that our founder Hayley Elvins has been awarded her certification as a Chartered Security Professional, recognised as the gold standard in security practice. She was presented her certificate at the Register of Chartered Security Professionals 12th annual dinner. To learn more about the register click here.
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